AWOL- once again
Monday, November 29, 2010 at 5:00AM
Though I realise this is becoming a regular occurence, I must once again apologise for being absent without posts the last few days.
Time slips away, though I have somewhat of an excuse this weekend- a wonderful few days spent giving thanks in California. More on that tomorrow. I want to give it the justice of a nice long post, not something I "scribbled" down in a few minutes before I hit the hay. It was nice to use my laptop infrequently this weekend, though I now find myself with over 50 surveys to complete online, and 5 issues of Time magazine to read and 3 issues of Empire film magazine! I am up to date with the newspaper thankfully!
Speaking of surveys... if you are reading this Monday morning, you could do Nicole a huge favour (if you haven't already) and fill in this survey for her journalism class. It literally takes 30 seconds.
Please keep checking back for regular updates, more will be on the way this coming week, including posts on Thanksgiving, new films at the cinema (wands anyone), campaign finance, high speed rail, and the Wisconsin backwoods. Any maybe anything else that springs to mind.
Also, Nicole suggested I have a section where people can "ask me anything". Anything about life in the US, anything about me, anything random, anything at all. Anonymous, or with a name. So let's use this post as a starting point for that; just comment after this post with any questions you have for me, or any ideas for blog posts you want me to write about or would like to know my opinion on. If I get some responses, I'll create a new category for this kind of thing.
As always, thanks for reading.
Time slips away, though I have somewhat of an excuse this weekend- a wonderful few days spent giving thanks in California. More on that tomorrow. I want to give it the justice of a nice long post, not something I "scribbled" down in a few minutes before I hit the hay. It was nice to use my laptop infrequently this weekend, though I now find myself with over 50 surveys to complete online, and 5 issues of Time magazine to read and 3 issues of Empire film magazine! I am up to date with the newspaper thankfully!
Speaking of surveys... if you are reading this Monday morning, you could do Nicole a huge favour (if you haven't already) and fill in this survey for her journalism class. It literally takes 30 seconds.
Please keep checking back for regular updates, more will be on the way this coming week, including posts on Thanksgiving, new films at the cinema (wands anyone), campaign finance, high speed rail, and the Wisconsin backwoods. Any maybe anything else that springs to mind.
Also, Nicole suggested I have a section where people can "ask me anything". Anything about life in the US, anything about me, anything random, anything at all. Anonymous, or with a name. So let's use this post as a starting point for that; just comment after this post with any questions you have for me, or any ideas for blog posts you want me to write about or would like to know my opinion on. If I get some responses, I'll create a new category for this kind of thing.
As always, thanks for reading.
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