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Entries in Promotions (3)


L’Oreal Hydra Power Face Wash Review

Disclaimer: I was sent this product free as part of Bzz Agent. 

I think pretty much everyone I know uses face wash. There probably used to be a time when it wasn't cool for guys to admit they used it, but now, with all the metrosexuality around, the face wash industry is a big one. 

And why shouldn't it be; everyone wants their faces to look as healthy and spot free as possible. So receiving their new Hydra Power Refreshing Face Wash free from L'Oreal to try out was a big deal for me. 

And it didn't disappoint. 

Naturally, the first thing you do when you get a new washing product is to flick the top open and give it a good smell. It wasn't overpowering nor repulsive. In fact, there wasn't really much to say about the smell, it was fresh and subtle. Nothing bad about it, but it didn't make me go wow. 

Invigorating power 

The real power was in the actual gel. Trying if for the first time on my face, I was amazed at how it instantly felt invigorating and reviving. The gel was easy to squeeze out of the standard bottle shape, and it was obvious that you didn't need much, as it was thick, heavy and quickly worked up into a good lather.  

As soon as it hits your face, whatever ingredients are used seemingly get to work right away. It's almost like a light burning sensation, but it's pleasurable. You really can feel the gel targeting all the pores on your skin. And first thing in the morning, it’s highly effective at waking you up and helping you feel fresh for the day ahead, even if it's 6am! 

The menthol fragrance comes out once you're rubbing it into your skin and it has the duel effect of unblocking your nose and clearing out your sinus too - exactly what you need first thing in the morning. 

No sensitivities 

Using a new face wash could result in sensitivities emerging, but I had no such trouble with the L'Oreal Hydra Power. No outbreaks of acne, no post shower redness, just fresh looking skin.

I have quite greasy skin and am prone to spots every now and then.  Having used it for a couple of weeks now, I feel like it's cleared up most of the spots I had without causing them to burst up and out on the surface. It's kept them all at bay whilst clearing up the deeper layers of skin. Any blackheads I've had have all been brought to the surface and easily cleared away. 

The packaging says Anti-discomfot, deeply purifying, and ultra cooling. It gets three big ticks from me on those fronts, and 5 stars on everything overall. 

One to steal

Even if it hadn't had such a positive effect on my skin, I'd probably keep using the face wash simply because it's long lasting and just really invigorating and refreshing whenever I apply it. My only concern now is that my girlfriend keeps stealing it because she's also discovered how good it is! Hands Off! It says for men!  

Although clearly, it works and feels great for both sexes. 


A Surreal Cubanisto Experience At The House of Mask

It started when we first arrived, with our names on the VIP guest list.  

No, I lied. First we followed the spray painted masks on the floor, which led us to the Old Granada studios, a place steeped in history but now chillingly empty and devoid of character. Yet it was perfect for the Cubanisto Launch Party in Manchester.  

This was pretty surreal for the both of us. Especially Kirsty. We got special wristbands, but then joined the back of the standard queue. I was pretty sure that being VIP, we’d be able to skip this queue and head straight up the stairs, and into the event, of which we still had no idea what to expect. 

Kirsty though, is from a more humble background, and she wanted to stand with everyone else. Nothing worse than looking snobbish trying to skip the queue and then getting rejected.  

After waiting a while though, some more VIPs walked past with wristbands on, skipping the queue and heading straight up. Forget waiting, we thought, and off we went.  

And that’s when things got weird.  

First, we were greeted by guys dressed all in white, like androids basically. Then, we had to confess our sins on a chequebook, in order to enter. We handed these cheques to two girls speaking in unison, asking us to “give us your confession. Then you may enter,” little knowing that these confessions would later be displayed on a big screen.  

Then, we had to climb through a wardrobe, navigate an array of obstacles in the dark, and then climb through a tunnel. It was a lesson in how to build suspense and intrigue, as well as being a little bit unnerving too.  

But then we popped through a little door, and into the party. A free Cubanisto beer on entry, this was all about Cuba, enjoying the rum flavoured beer, and having a good time. We were given masks to decorate and wear, and a piece of jigsaw puzzle. Everyone had different pieces, and you had to find the three connecting pieces by mingling and talking to new people. Then, you could collect your key.  

Your key opened mystery boxes around the room, let you enter the Photo Booth (which was a fun addition) and got you free Media Noche sliders, which were pretty tasty. 


With luminous art being painted on both sides of the room, and a DJ on the decks, Cubanisto beer was free flowing (and it was free and unlimited for us - in full disclosure - but it was awesome!) Once you got over the initial surreal shock, it was a pretty random night out, very different, and very fun. And we both really enjoyed the Cubanisto beer too, as it seemed did everyone else in Manchester.  

So if you hear about a House of Mask launch party in your area, or you haven’t tried the new rum flavoured beer yet, I’d definitely recommend checking it out! 


One Secret Location, One New Drink, One Big Party. 

It starts at 9pm. June 27th. Where? We don’t know yet. Somewhere in Manchester. That’s a secret, and we won’t find out until that very afternoon, if you’re on the guest list. If you’re not, well you need to be curious and inquisitive, and see what you can find out. 

You’ll know the place when you see it. A giant neon skull will be lighting the entrance. Are you inquisitive enough to want to know what’s inside?

There will be skulls, there will be rum flavoured beer, and there will be some amazing music. If you’re lucky enough to find the location, you’ll be given a mask upon entry and will unleash the spirit within yourself, entering a party full of unique experiences to try, sensational street food to sample and most definitely an interactive night out to remember. 

Or so I’ve been told. It certainly sounds interesting, and it’s gotten my attention and curiosity.

As a prominent copywriter in Manchester, I’ve been asked to spread the word about the brand new Cubanisto beer that’s just launched in the UK, and to write about the exciting launch party taking place in Manchester on Friday 27th June. 

If you’re looking for a unique night out, full of mystery and surprise, then this is for you. 

Of course, there will be world class DJs and delicious new rum flavoured beer on offer, but the Cubanisto lifestyle is about so much than just a good night out. It’s about experiencing something different, embracing the vibrant Cuban lifestyle, and going on a journey to unleash something inside of you. 

And of course, have an incredible time. 

Intrigued yet? 

It’s called the House of Mask. And you can register here. That’s all I can tell you. But that’s all you need to know. Because you need to curious and open-minded, and ready for some surprises. The rest is unknown. And that’s where the fun is. 

You’ll be hearing a lot more from Cubanisto soon.