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White Label Copywriting in Manchester

A couple of weeks ago I got an email from a digital marketing agency in Manchester who were looking for a copywriter who could do some white label copywriting and blogging work for them. Of course, a new local Manchester company to do some writing work for, I naturally jumped at the chance. 


But what is white label copywriting or white label blogging? It sounds kind of fancy doesn't it? Putting some kind of special label on something. But it's really not that exciting at all. Well, it is for me, because I find copywriting and blogging exciting and challenging, but it's not that different to my usual work.


In fact, it's not different at all.


Because white label services just means no association to the original creator. White being blank. It's a blank slate, a piece of copywriting or blogging which can be passed off in a number of different ways. Kind of like ghostwriting. Usually, a white label blog or article is used as a staff piece for a website, or just to add additional copy for a business website, often to help boost SEO. 


So often companies in Manchester, like this web marketing business, will source white label copywriters and bloggers to write on their behalf for their clients, to provide new and interesting content relevant to their business. It was great to be asked to join this select list of Manchester copywriters and bloggers. 


Of course, I can't really show you what I've been working on for them, even though they are pretty interesting pieces. If you read my blog regularly though, you'll know my kind of style. So maybe if you do a search for some recent blogs posts, why office milk delivery in Manchester is a good thing and how to spot an office affair, perhaps you'll stumble across something. Challenge accepted?

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    Response: kids games online
    White Label Copywriting in Manchester - BJ Hampson Blog, Freelance Copywriting Manchester - BJ Hampson - Copywriter, Blogger, Storyteller - Copywriting - Blogging - SEO Copywriting - Manchester - UK
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    White Label Copywriting in Manchester - BJ Hampson Blog, Freelance Copywriting Manchester - BJ Hampson - Copywriter, Blogger, Storyteller - Copywriting - Blogging - SEO Copywriting - Manchester - UK
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    Response: 42nd Street Photo
    White Label Copywriting in Manchester - BJ Hampson Blog, Freelance Copywriting Manchester - BJ Hampson - Copywriter, Blogger, Storyteller - Copywriting - Blogging - SEO Copywriting - Manchester - UK
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    Response: SEO Sydney
    White Label Copywriting in Manchester - BJ Hampson Blog, Freelance Copywriting Manchester - BJ Hampson - Copywriter, Blogger, Storyteller - Copywriting - Blogging - SEO Copywriting - Manchester - UK
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    White Label Copywriting in Manchester - BJ Hampson Blog, Freelance Copywriting Manchester - BJ Hampson - Copywriter, Blogger, Storyteller - Copywriting - Blogging - SEO Copywriting - Manchester - UK
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    Response: advice
    White Label Copywriting in Manchester - BJ Hampson Blog, Freelance Copywriting Manchester - BJ Hampson - Copywriter, Blogger, Storyteller - Copywriting - Blogging - SEO Copywriting - Manchester - UK
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    White Label Copywriting in Manchester - BJ Hampson Blog, Freelance Copywriting Manchester - BJ Hampson - Copywriter, Blogger, Storyteller - Copywriting - Blogging - SEO Copywriting - Manchester - UK
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    Response: seo company
    White Label Copywriting in Manchester - BJ Hampson Blog, Freelance Copywriting Manchester - BJ Hampson - Copywriter, Blogger, Storyteller - Copywriting - Blogging - SEO Copywriting - Manchester - UK
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    White Label Copywriting in Manchester - BJ Hampson Blog, Freelance Copywriting Manchester - BJ Hampson - Copywriter, Blogger, Storyteller - Copywriting - Blogging - SEO Copywriting - Manchester - UK
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    White Label Copywriting in Manchester - BJ Hampson Blog, Freelance Copywriting Manchester - BJ Hampson - Copywriter, Blogger, Storyteller - Copywriting - Blogging - SEO Copywriting - Manchester - UK
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    White Label Copywriting in Manchester - BJ Hampson Blog, Freelance Copywriting Manchester - BJ Hampson - Copywriter, Blogger, Storyteller - Copywriting - Blogging - SEO Copywriting - Manchester - UK
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    White Label Copywriting in Manchester - BJ Hampson Blog, Freelance Copywriting Manchester - BJ Hampson - Copywriter, Blogger, Storyteller - Copywriting - Blogging - SEO Copywriting - Manchester - UK
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    White Label Copywriting in Manchester - BJ Hampson Blog, Freelance Copywriting Manchester - BJ Hampson - Copywriter, Blogger, Storyteller - Copywriting - Blogging - SEO Copywriting - Manchester - UK
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    White Label Copywriting in Manchester - BJ Hampson Blog, Freelance Copywriting Manchester - BJ Hampson - Copywriter, Blogger, Storyteller - Copywriting - Blogging - SEO Copywriting - Manchester - UK
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    White Label Copywriting in Manchester - BJ Hampson Blog, Freelance Copywriting Manchester - BJ Hampson - Copywriter, Blogger, Storyteller - Copywriting - Blogging - SEO Copywriting - Manchester - UK
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    White Label Copywriting in Manchester - BJ Hampson Blog, Freelance Copywriting Manchester - BJ Hampson - Copywriter, Blogger, Storyteller - Copywriting - Blogging - SEO Copywriting - Manchester - UK
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    White Label Copywriting in Manchester - BJ Hampson Blog, Freelance Copywriting Manchester - BJ Hampson - Copywriter, Blogger, Storyteller - Copywriting - Blogging - SEO Copywriting - Manchester - UK
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    White Label Copywriting in Manchester - BJ Hampson Blog, Freelance Copywriting Manchester - BJ Hampson - Copywriter, Blogger, Storyteller - Copywriting - Blogging - SEO Copywriting - Manchester - UK
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    White Label Copywriting in Manchester - BJ Hampson Blog, Freelance Copywriting Manchester - BJ Hampson - Copywriter, Blogger, Storyteller - Copywriting - Blogging - SEO Copywriting - Manchester - UK
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    White Label Copywriting in Manchester - BJ Hampson Blog, Freelance Copywriting Manchester - BJ Hampson - Copywriter, Blogger, Storyteller - Copywriting - Blogging - SEO Copywriting - Manchester - UK

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