L’Oreal Hydra Power Face Wash Review

Disclaimer: I was sent this product free as part of Bzz Agent.
I think pretty much everyone I know uses face wash. There probably used to be a time when it wasn't cool for guys to admit they used it, but now, with all the metrosexuality around, the face wash industry is a big one.
And why shouldn't it be; everyone wants their faces to look as healthy and spot free as possible. So receiving their new Hydra Power Refreshing Face Wash free from L'Oreal to try out was a big deal for me.
And it didn't disappoint.
Naturally, the first thing you do when you get a new washing product is to flick the top open and give it a good smell. It wasn't overpowering nor repulsive. In fact, there wasn't really much to say about the smell, it was fresh and subtle. Nothing bad about it, but it didn't make me go wow.
Invigorating power
The real power was in the actual gel. Trying if for the first time on my face, I was amazed at how it instantly felt invigorating and reviving. The gel was easy to squeeze out of the standard bottle shape, and it was obvious that you didn't need much, as it was thick, heavy and quickly worked up into a good lather.
As soon as it hits your face, whatever ingredients are used seemingly get to work right away. It's almost like a light burning sensation, but it's pleasurable. You really can feel the gel targeting all the pores on your skin. And first thing in the morning, it’s highly effective at waking you up and helping you feel fresh for the day ahead, even if it's 6am!
The menthol fragrance comes out once you're rubbing it into your skin and it has the duel effect of unblocking your nose and clearing out your sinus too - exactly what you need first thing in the morning.
No sensitivities
Using a new face wash could result in sensitivities emerging, but I had no such trouble with the L'Oreal Hydra Power. No outbreaks of acne, no post shower redness, just fresh looking skin.
I have quite greasy skin and am prone to spots every now and then. Having used it for a couple of weeks now, I feel like it's cleared up most of the spots I had without causing them to burst up and out on the surface. It's kept them all at bay whilst clearing up the deeper layers of skin. Any blackheads I've had have all been brought to the surface and easily cleared away.
The packaging says Anti-discomfot, deeply purifying, and ultra cooling. It gets three big ticks from me on those fronts, and 5 stars on everything overall.
One to steal
Even if it hadn't had such a positive effect on my skin, I'd probably keep using the face wash simply because it's long lasting and just really invigorating and refreshing whenever I apply it. My only concern now is that my girlfriend keeps stealing it because she's also discovered how good it is! Hands Off! It says for men!
Although clearly, it works and feels great for both sexes.
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